Cold Victory

Cold Victory - Fiona Jayde The synopsis of Cold Victory, gives an excellent overview of the story and I don’t want to give away spoilers so I’ll attempt to share some general thoughts about what I found to be a great read. I’ve always enjoyed Fiona Jayde’s voice because it is crisp and dark, she doesn’t waste words on flowery prose, which is perfect for kick ass romantic suspense, science fiction, and paranormal stories. The tone of her books I have read thus far do tend to be action packed and dark and there is a number of themes woven into a well plotted narrative. Cold Victory is no exception.

Zoya Scott, the heroine of Cold Victory, is a gifted pilot, and strategist, however she comes from a legacy of tragedy due to atrocities committed on he her home planet Primus a world ravaged by the war. I really liked this heroine, despite her vengeful, destructive mission, she has a vulnerability and warmth that is awakened by hotter than hell Commander Galen Stark.

Stark has an electric sensuality, as well as strength, integrity, and a devotion to his crew that made him all the more attractive. Galen is a definite alpha dominate and the sexual tension crackles between him and Zoya, an equally strong warrior.

“Her scent was like a potent drug pumping into his veins. Lips fused, tongues mated, he kissed her like a starving man, as if both their lives depended on it. Cupping her head, he held her steady for his onslaught, fighting himself, fighting against the soft, hitched breaths she made against his mouth. Even as someone screamed inside his head about duty and protocol, the beast inside him wouldn't let him stop.”

Cold Victory © Fiona Jayde

Integral to the plot of Cold Victory is a philosophical and moral dilemma; is it right to sacrifice a few in order to save many? And, will Galen lead his crew along with the woman who he initially craves due to a biological bond which then morphs into a deep love to certain death?

Cold Victory”, is action packed, with Star Wars style dog fights in space. There is also and undertone of suspense and intrigue that left me guessing what would happen until the closing pages. In addition, Ms. Jayde creates a stunning visual of how humans may be enhanced by advanced technology, and what the inside of the Victory battle cruiser itself looks like. I thought the graphic imagery was excellent.

If you enjoy an exciting, nail biter of an erotic science fiction story, you may like to give “Cold Victory” a try.

My rating 4.5/5 stars
Heat level: Nuclear grade hot with sexual tension and eroticism. ;)